For the sake of farmers’ wealth, the government must hold up food sovereignty. It means that the government has to arrange supportive policies and programs in order to fulfill food supply for the people and farmers themselves and raise their income as being food producers. First, government has to launch intensive extension and gives access to inputs resources, such as land, seeds, water, power, fertilizers, and pesticides, also credit to farmers implementing organic agriculture. Within this program, the food will be produced in natural and organic cultivation system. Besides getting healthy food, the farmland and its surrounding environment will be kept sustainably and productively by the system. This is also a purpose of food sovereignty. Then, the government must provide supportive policies to build a fair market for farmer’s production. For example, it has to decrease imported agriculture products or increase their taxes, stabilize farm gate prices, and allocate in-country investment. These programs and policies provide farmers with healthier food produced by them and increase the output they can sell in fair markets to raise farm income.
Dian Pratiwi Pribadi
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