Lumbung Winih (Seed Barn) KIBAR Kediri
This initiative begun when KIBAR
giving advocacy to maize seed farmers in Kediri area in 2005. KIBAR then
developing more type of seeds as well as the quantity. It was initiated
by inviting Vandana Shiva, an international activist in environmental
and anti-globalization movement, to share valuable experiences to
activists of organic agriculture and local food in Java in August 2014.
This garden was launched earlier December 2014 by conducting seed
collection, seed documentation, and seed saving and distribution. During
its development, it has been planting and developing seed for various
local food, which now has reached 60 varieties, consisting of 16 grains
and starches,18 vegetables,12 fruits, 5 proteins, 5 herbs and spices,
and 4 drinks. The planting in rural area applies animal and green manure
as fertilizers by keeping chickens and sheep and collecting fallen
leaves. In urban area, KIBAR supporters plant the seed by practicing
verticulture and hydroponic in organic system.
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